It is with regret that due to the escalating situation with regards to coronavirus in the UK the upcoming Therapy? show due to take place at London Electric Ballroom on Friday 7 May 2021 has been postponed and will now take place on Sunday 24 October 2021.
All tickets purchased for the original dates remain valid.
Customers are advised to retain their tickets and ticket confirmations at this time.
Kilimanjaro Live Presents
THERAPY? – So Much For The 31 Year Plan
plus special guests
Since 1990 and the self-release of their Meat Abstract single Northern Irish rock band Therapy? have lived through ‘the troubles’, a peace process, seven record labels, three drummers, a cellist and witnessed the widespread use of the mobile phone, a personal computer in every home, the internet, the introduction of WIFI, a single European currency, the rise and fall of baggy, grunge, Britpop, nu metal and emo, released 15 albums and sold in excess of three million albums, had hit singles, collaborated with a myriad of artists including Ozzy Osbourne and David Holmes, toured the world many, many times and played countless live shows.
Amongst all this cacophony they’ve continued to plough their singular vision with a determination and with making friends in the process. They intend to celebrate the last thirty years in all their sour glory while looking forward to the next events of history to unfold around them.
Please note this show is 14+ (under 16s must be accompanied by an 18+ adult)