This is the rescheduled show from 19th of May. All tickets purchased for the original dates remain valid.
Stroeja presents:
S.A.R.S. (Serbia)
Sveže Amputirana Ruka Satrijanija
(Serbian Cyrillic: Свеже ампутирана рука Сатријанија, lit. ‘The Freshly Amputated Arm of Satriani’), or S.A.R.S. for short, are a Serbian alternative rock band from Belgrade. Presenting a combination of pop rock, reggae, blues, jazz and hip hop with the ethnic music of Serbia, the band is one of the leading acts of the so-called New Serbian Scene.
VIP Tickets via: https://www.wegottickets.com/event/579472/
Please note this show is 14+ (under 16s must be accompanied by an 18+ adult / Proof of age is required at entry.)