One Inch Badge Presents
+ Svalbard
GGGOLDDD will no longer be playing this show.
Artist statement:
“Due to an infection of Milena’s throat we are forced to cancel our UK dates supporting MONO this week. She can’t sing and needs to rest on doctor’s orders. It’s a necessary decision to prevent irreparable damage being done to our most valuable and precious instrument: Milena’s voice. This is a heartbreaking decision unlike any we’ve had to make in our 11 years together. Health does come first even when the emotional and financial impact makes it feel counterintuitive.
Our last pre-pandemic show was at the 10 Years Of Chaos celebration of Chaos Theory. It was an amazing evening and we were so excited about returning to the UK. We hope we can come back soon! We want to thank MONO for giving us the opportunity to join them on these dates. We hope our paths will cross again soon!”
Please note this show is 14+ (under 16s must be accompanied by an 18+ adult)